About Volunteers Count

Doug Smith

Doug Smith,
Founder of Volunteers Count.

Welcome to Volunteers Count and thank you for taking an interest, the aim of the site is twofold:

1) To stimulate thought and conversation around volunteers and what they contribute to the UK. Very often volunteers get overlooked as we go about our daily business. However, just think what we would be missing if we did not have volunteers. Here are some examples:

The Samaritans, RNLI, St John Ambulance, Red Cross to name just a few. There are so many other areas that we may not initially consider; for instance, football, this is a massive business which employs a large number of people.

I wonder if we think of all the small local clubs that provide the base from which many young people go on to a career in the sport. The vast majority of these clubs is run by volunteers. This is just one sport, just think of all the other sporting events which rely heavily on volunteers as marshalls etc.

Volunteers are not a cheap workforce but a priceless asset, without which much of what this country holds dear would simply cease. ‘Volunteers Count’ – they matter!

2) To encourage Voluntary organisations to take part in the site’s mission to record volunteer hours. We live in a World that is, for many people, driven by money ‘what does it cost/what is it worth?’ By recording the hours worked by volunteers we can begin to put a monetary value on their contribution. We are fully aware that money is not the driving force for volunteers and don’t wish to ‘cheapen’ their efforts. However, if we can illustrate the time put in and put a cost on it, we can alert the country to what volunteers give. The calculation is based on the National Minimum wage of £12.21 per hour, obviously many of the tasks/roles undertaken by volunteers would command considerably more on the open market.

‘Volunteers Count’ – let’s add up our hours!

If you are part of a Charity or other organisation where volunteers are vital, please promote this site and encourage your charities/organisations to support us by taking part.

Recording of hours will run throughout the financial year 25/26 with a final figure being produced next year to give an idea of the amount of money volunteers save this Country.

The figures will be staggering!

The Stats
Volunteers Count Image